Piña Venus
Since I have to started hear the whispers of Spirit calling me, I found myself on my path. Leaving the country Turkey I’ve born and grown up in 2015, dwelling through Eastern Europe, Far East, South East Asia, Nepal and India, North and Central America by following that very subtle voice calling my true name, inviting to centre of my being as well as centre of whole universe. Since this whisper became a clear voice and guidance appearing in the Heart I take refuge, I am dedicated and devoted to share these teachings of Heart. Teachings of the Heart, is uniquely what arises for each one of us once we turn completely inwards, silenced down, awareness at Heart level, present in the body, connected and compassionate with emotional flow, humbly open to recieve support and simply held by grace. What I offer with Rising Heart; is guiding us to reveal the Wisdom of the Heart, being in constant touch with our Beloved, becoming friend / lover by cultivating intimate relationship with Great Spirit. Which is our true nature, very essence of our divine being. Finding that present connection through Heart and simply resting there.. Piña Venus Links to Music https://soundcloud.com/pinamor |
I utilize my body as a tool of integration and a vessel of evolution through arts, poetry, dance, and voice. I have been on the path of "me" search (research) for over two decades. When I was a teenager you could find me in the library stacks binging on Nietzsche, Jung, Kant, Marx, Descartes and Alan Watts. I had a desire to find a way out, not through. I was searching for answers among thinkers and finding only more questions. I turned to yoga in my early twenties as a means to burn more physical energy. My tool of escape/ as well as association with the higher self were through my body. I had the polarity paradox of using my body to dissociate, but also to bring me home again. I could switch between the two simultaneously. Dance, art, extreme sports, writing, and other right brain dominant activities brought me into a deep relationship with my physical form. But the relationship would become much deeper as I learned to ground myself, stay present, and feel the fullness of my experience. Dancing with grace between dark and the light. I feel a push towards wholeness. A push for us all to achieve what it means to be truly human in our fullness. What I have to offer as a facilitator is my undivided attention to my students, and to my Sangha, as we journey together towards integrative healing of the self through the movement and the arts. Links to Live Sets, Movement & Meditation https://soundcloud.com/echoechoechos https://www.youtube.com/echogieselwidmer https://insig.ht/e7RcylvKpkb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share |